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HPC:Factor Logo 


by yvt
Application that allows you to experience Hemi-Sync, which is a type of brainwave entertainment or brainwave synchronization
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CeSync is an electronic dictionary brain manufactured by Sharp Corporation, and is an application that allows you to experience Hemi-Sync, which is a type of brainwave entertainment or brainwave synchronization developed by parapsychologist Robert Monroe. You can change the frequency freely and control your brain waves with stereo audio. Please note that this has not been proven to have medical efficacy. Furthermore, we are not responsible for any damage or injury caused by the use of this app.

Please note that launching directly from the app menu is not supported. Please start it from a launcher such as CeOpener or TestCE.
Precautions for use

If there is no sound, please restart.
If nothing is displayed after starting, please use an application switcher such as ceOpener or Selector to bring the window to the front.
Do not put it into sleep mode during startup.
This app takes a long time to start.
I use the character display library by mediumgauge, who is famous for PSPFiler.
The image above is an image created with Photoshop.



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website https://github.com/yvt
Not working? Try this website on the WayBack Machine
Released 30 July 2009
Popularity 2538
Total Downloads  1
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 02 April 2024


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Software Compatibility List: The SCL is provided for free to the Handheld PC Communty and we do not carry advertising to support our services. If you have found the SCL useful, please consider donating.