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Terminal CE 1.1

Terminal allow to send and receive data via serial COM port (USART / UART / RS-232 / RS-485)
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Screenshots & Images

Screenshot of Connected
Screenshot of Settings
Screenshot of Connection Settings
Screenshot of Main window
Screenshot of On Screen Keyboard
Screenshot of Settings window
Screenshot of Toolbar
Screenshot of Connected


Communication terminal for Windows CE & Windows Mobile - systems with .NET Compact Framework. Terminal allow to send and receive data via serial COM port (USART / UART / RS-232 / RS-485).
How to use it?

Click Options / Connection, then set connection options. Select port and other parameters. To connect use Terminal / Connect. Display Keyboard using Options / Keyboard. To send data use Send button. If you wish to save received data to a file click Terminal / Save Received. To clean received data use Terminal / Clean.
Connection Settings (Options / Connection)

Available options:

Port name (COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, …)
Baud Rate
Data Bits
Parity mode (none, even, mark, odd, space)
Encoding (ASCII, UTF-7, UTF-8, Unicode)
Stop Bit (0, 1, 1.5, 2)

COM Port Connection Settings
Application Settings

Echo - each character you send will be displayed at receive area.
Send Line - data will be send with new line characters at end.
Auto Clean - if parameter > 0 then when count of received characters will be grater than parameter, data at received area will be cleared.
Scan Period - period used for periodically check port for incoming data. If parameter is equal 0 scanning port for new incoming data is disabled. Incoming data can be received manually by using option Terminal / Read.
Restore Defaults - default application and connection options will be applied.
Keyboard - show / hide Input Panel.

Terminal Settings

When application is closing, settings are saved to file. When you run again application, settings are restored from file.

System Requirements

Windows CE / Windows Mobile
Requirement: .NET Compact Framework 2.0

Installation Instructions

Windows CE / Windows Mobile
Requirement: .NET Compact Framework 2.0


terminalSerial.NETUSARTUARTRS-232RS-485COMconsole.NET Framework

License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website https://www.venea.net/
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Popularity 1812
Total Downloads  10
Submitted By C:Amie
Submitted On 09 May 2019


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