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VICalendar - simply calendar for your Windows CE device
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- select any date
- press a long vertical button at right side to open / close an edit window
- enter a note for selected date
- all dates with note will be shown bold
- press OK to save all notes to archive file
- next time when you start VICalendar all notes will be loaded from archive file


- click at month's name for quik change a month
- click at year's namber for quik change an year
- press X button (or Esc) to close VICalendar without saving the changes
- use Ctrl + Home, Ctrl + End, PageUp, PageDown for moving inside edit window
- to delete a note delete all text inside date
- to delete all notes delete the archive file VICalendar.exe.bin

Installation Instructions

- unzip VICalendar.zip to VICalendar.exe
- copy VICalendar.exe to any place at your Windows CE
- VICalendar is made for use with ARM4 processor
- run VICalendar.exe
- you can make a link from VICalendar.exe to your Desktop
- all days notes are saved to automatically created file VICalendar.exe.bin
- file VICalendar.exe.bin is created near VICalendar.exe (in the same directory)
- to remove VICalendar simply delete two files: VICalendar.exe and VICalendar.exe.bin



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://www.rominten.com
Not working? Try this website on the WayBack Machine
Popularity 2364
Total Downloads  2
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 13 October 2022


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