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NethackCE 3.40

Nethack 3.40 port to Windows CE
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Nethack 3.40 port to Windows CE

Dev Notes:

It is a change of the existing CE Porting source.
According to the original source, the status bar on the right is too small to show all status. In fact, in the case of Jornada, it was raised to take advantage of this part because it is wide left and right. ?.?
I want to change other parts. It's not easy to see the sauce.. If anyone wants it, I'll change it for you.

MIPS Binary Missing. Please let HPC:Factor staff know if the file "nethack340_ce211_mips.zip" is located



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://wince.alticast.com/~amateras
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Popularity 2050
Total Downloads  4
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 19 October 2022


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