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ExPanda 0.2.1 Beta

Run the program once, then if you tap on a LZH or ZIP file, this archive will be extracted (if a path is set in the archive, folder(s) will be created).
You must be registered and logged into HPC:Factor in order to contribute to the SCL.


If you are using Konburess V0.3ß together, open GSFinder,
Compressed window can be displayed by executing TPE (folders are not yet possible)
This software uses unlha.dll and unlzh.dll created by uema2.
It's a beta version, so there may be bugs.



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://www.geocities.jp/m_hiloci/prog/prog.htm
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Popularity 2229
Total Downloads  3
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 29 October 2022


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