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7-zip (7zr Console) 19.00

Open Source
7zr is a stand-alone executable. 7zr is a "light-version" of 7za(1). 7zr handles password-less archives in the 7z, LZMA2, and XZ formats only.
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7zr is a stand-alone executable. 7zr is a "light-version" of 7za(1). 7zr handles password-less archives in the 7z, LZMA2, and XZ formats only.
7-Zip is a file archiver supporting 7z (that implements LZMA compression algorithm
featuring very high compression ratio), LZMA2, XZ, ZIP, Zip64, CAB, RAR (if the non-free
p7zip-rar package is installed), ARJ, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, RPM, ISO, most filesystem
images and DEB formats. Compression ratio in the new 7z format is 30-50% better than
ratio in ZIP format.


a Add files to archive

b Benchmark

d Delete files from archive

e Extract files from archive (without using directory names)

h Calculate hash values for files

i Show information about supported formats

l List contents of archive

rn Rename files in archive

t Test integrity of archive

u Update files to archive

x eXtract files with full paths


-- Stop switches parsing

Include archives

Exclude archives

Set Overwrite mode

-an Disable archive_name field

Set output log level

-bd Disable progress indicator

Set output stream for output/error/progress line

-bt Show execution time statistics

Include filenames

Set Compression Method (see
/usr/share/doc/p7zip/DOC/MANUAL/cmdline/switches/method.htm from the p7zip-full
package for a list of methods)

Set Output directory

Recurse subdirectories (CAUTION: this flag does not do what you think, avoid using

Set archive name mode

Set charset for for console input/output

Set charset for list files

Set hash function for x, e, h commands

-sdel Delete files after compression

Send archive by email

Create SFX archive

Read data from stdin (e.g. tar cf - directory | 7zr a -si directory.tar.7z)

-slp Set Large Pages mode

-slt Show technical information for l (List) command

-snh Store hard links as links

-snl Store symbolic links as links

-sni Store NT security information

Store NTFS alternate streams

Create SFX archive

-so Write data to stdout (e.g. 7zr x -so directory.tar.7z | tar xf -)

-spd Disable wildcard matching for file names

-spe Eliminate duplication of root folder for extract command

-spf Use fully qualified file paths

Set sensitive case mode

-ssw Compress shared files

-stl Set archive timestamp from the most recently modified file

Set CPU thread affinity mask (hexadecimal number)

Exclude archive type

Set type of archive

Update options

Create volumes

Set working directory. Empty path means a temporary directory

Exclude filenames

-y Assume Yes on all queries


7-Zip returns the following exit codes:

0 Normal (no errors or warnings detected)

1 Warning (Non fatal error(s)). For example, some files cannot be read during
compressing, so they were not compressed

2 Fatal error

7 Bad command line parameters

8 Not enough memory for operation

255 User stopped the process with control-C (or similar)

Backup and limitations

DO NOT USE the 7-zip format for backup purpose on Linux/Unix because :
- 7-zip does not store the owner/group of the file.

On Linux/Unix, in order to backup directories you must use tar :
- to backup a directory : tar cf - directory | 7zr a -si directory.tar.7z
- to restore your backup : 7zr x -so directory.tar.7z | tar xf -

If you want to send files and directories (not the owner of file) to others
Unix/MacOS/Windows users, you can use the 7-zip format.

example : 7zr a directory.7z directory

Do not use "-r" because this flag does not do what you think.

Do not use directory/* because of ".*" files (example : "directory/*" does not match


7zr a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on archive.7z dir1
adds all files from directory "dir1" to archive archive.7z using "ultra settings"

-t7z 7z archive

lzma method

-mx=9 level of compression = 9 (Ultra)

number of fast bytes for LZMA = 64

dictionary size = 32 megabytes

-ms=on solid archive = on


7zr a -sfx archive.exe dir1
add all files from directory "dir1" to SFX archive archive.exe (Remark : SFX
archive MUST end with ".exe")


zipOpen Sourcecompressionarchive

License Open Source
The program is open source, free and the source code is available on-line.
Website https://www.7-zip.org/
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Popularity 2109
Total Downloads  4
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 31 January 2023


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