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Blacklight 0.71

From the developer: It is basically a more powerful version of the Windows RUN box, allowing you to create aliases for commands, launch files/websites, etc.
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The user can link an application path to as little as a single keystroke using this application. This is useful on a Windows CE device with a large number of application links, avoiding the need to navigate the Start Menu to locate a link and without cluttering the Windows CE desktop with lots of icons.

System Requirements

Each of the attached ZIP packages contains the file blacklight.exe corresponding to the named processor type. Open the ZIP package and copy this file onto the device, and then double-tap/double-click on it to execute. (Note: this application requires the files mfcce211.dll and olece211.dll, which are not included on Windows CE 3.0 and newer devices. These files can also be found here in the Download Centre.)

To summon the application to create or enter an alias, press Alt+space simultaneously. Then type the alias in the dialog box that opens, followed by tapping/clicking on Enter (or pressing the Enter key). To create a new alias, type commands in the dialog box and then select or press Enter. A new dialog box will open up where the alias and the path to which it is to correspond can be entered.

Installation Instructions

Each of the attached ZIP packages contains the file blacklight.exe corresponding to the named processor type. Open the ZIP package and copy this file onto the device, and then double-tap/double-click on it to execute. (Note: this application requires the files mfcce211.dll and olece211.dll, which are not included on Windows CE 3.0 and newer devices. These files can also be found here in the Download Centre.)

To summon the application to create or enter an alias, press Alt+space simultaneously. Then type the alias in the dialog box that opens, followed by tapping/clicking on Enter (or pressing the Enter key). To create a new alias, type Commands in the dialog box and then select or press Enter. A new dialog box will open up where the alias and the path to which it is to correspond can be entered.



License Exemptionware
The developer has explicity chosen to make available a program that was formerly a commercial product, however is explcitly re-licencing the program (without necessary changing the legal disclaimers within) to remove any and all statements of liability.
Popularity 483
Total Downloads  114
Submitted By CE Geek
Submitted On 19 January 2014


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