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HPC Notes 4.3

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You can create notes providing them with type, subject, creation and modification date, which helps to find required information quickly and easily.
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HPC Notes Standard Edition is an award-winning notes organizer for Microsoft Windows Powered Handheld PCs and Pocket PCs. You can create notes providing them with type, subject, creation and modification date, which helps to find required information quickly and easily. With HPC Notes you can search for specific text in a specific field and sort notes by type, date, or subject. You can protect notes from unauthorized access with a password and send e-mail messages directly from the Note Editor. Interface to the Contacts Database enables you to pick an e-mail address instead of typing it in. HPC Notes uses a compressed database, saving limited storage space. The intuitive, easy user interface lets you start using the program within minutes. HPC Notes Standard Edition allows to synchronize multiple Outlook folders with the mobile device.

HPC Notes also offers a number of advanced features, such as rich text editing, file attachments, hyperlinks between notes, multiple notes databases (folders) with tree-like view, hierarchical notes organizer, customizable views, transfer via infrared, backup and restore, advanced filtering and text search that supports regular expressions, and many others.

Benefits and Features

- Organize your notes - by clicking on the column header buttons you can sort notes by creation date, modification date, subject and type.
- Compatibility - export and import notes as text files or transfer data to and from other applications using copy and paste.
- Efficient - small size of the program and compressed database leaves plenty of storage space.
- Privacy - protect notes from unauthorized access with a password.
- Simple User Interface - intuitive user interface allows you to start using HPC Notes right away.
- Email capability - send email messages directly from the Note Editor by clicking on the Send Mail button.
- Customizable Views - provides a wide range of modifiable look and feel settings.
- Advanced Filters and Text Search - allows a user to search one or more notes databases for a specific text or a regular expression, and filter by text, creation, modification, authoring dates, color, and priority.
- Microsoft Outlook Support - allows a user to synchronize multiple Outlook folders with HPC Notes application on the mobile device. Outlook 98/2000/2002(XP) supported.
- Hierarchical Notes Organizer - allows a user to group notes by creation or modification dates, type, color, and priority.
- Hyperlinks between Notes - allows a user to create links and cross references notes.
- File Attachments - up to 16 files can be linked to a note.
- Database Tree View - optional database view provides easy access to multiple notes databases.
- Authoring date - a new editable date field.
- Text Formatting - text formatting is now supported on Pocket PCs and Handheld PCs.
- CalliGrapher® support - HPC Notes provides direct access to CalliGrapher ScratchPad, which allows a user to attach handwritten notes with handwriting recognition capability in just two taps.

System Requirements

Mobile Device
Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002, Handheld PC Professional, or Handheld PC 2000 powered by Microsoft Windows CE*.
MIPS, SH3, SH4, or StrongARM processor.
Windows CE 2.11 or later.

430-490KB of free storage space depending on the mobile device.

Additional storage space is required by the notes database, depending on the size and quantity of notes entered into the database. We recommend you have at least 10K of storage space for the notes database.

Installation Instructions

Mobile Device
Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002, Handheld PC Professional, or Handheld PC 2000 powered by Microsoft Windows CE*.
MIPS, SH3, SH4, or StrongARM processor.
Windows CE 2.11 or later.

430-490KB of free storage space depending on the mobile device.

Additional storage space is required by the notes database, depending on the size and quantity of notes entered into the database. We recommend you have at least 10K of storage space for the notes database.

Program Cost

$39.95 USD (£33.02 GBP, €37.97 EUR, ¥5,964.44 JPY, est.)



License Payware
Commercial programs with formal license terms.
Website http://www.phatware.com/
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Popularity 867
Total Downloads  58
Submitted By C:Amie
Submitted On 06 June 2019


C:Amie 06 June 2019 at 7:17:37 PM
With thanks to Jake for the trial installation files.
hpcboy 13 October 2020 at 3:58:23 PM
The "hpcnotespro.exe" (4.3) file does not contain installation files for HPCs but for Palm OS devices only.
hpcboy 21 October 2020 at 4:00:00 AM
Now it works! Thanks a lot.
A note for Win10 users: Since ActiveSync is no longer supported by Win10, if you use WMDC instead, the installer will fail to copy the CAB content to the HPC and no synchronization conduits will be set up because ActiveSync is requried. The only solution is either using an old computer enabling ActiveSync, or set up a VM in Win10 (Windows 2000 SP4 seems to work the best).
Sungwoo 31 December 2023 at 9:11:37 PM
this app is very useful. I recommend it

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