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MindTerm SSH Client 2.4.2

Open Source
MindTerm is an SSH client written in Java supporting both SSH1 and SSH2
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Screenshots & Images

Screenshot of Main
Screenshot of SFTP client
Screenshot of Links browser
Screenshot of Terminal settings
Screenshot of Main


MindTerm is an SSH client written in Java. It supports both version 1 and 2 of the SSH protocol. It can be used as a standalone application, and applet or as a library with SSH-classes which can be used by other projects.

This is the binary distribution of MindTerm. The files included in this zip-file are:

mindterm.jar: Full unsigned binary
mindterm-obf.jar: Full obfuscated unsigned binary
LICENSE.txt: Current license
README.txt: This file...
docs/Applet.txt Instructions for running MindTerm as an applet
docs/Settings.txt Various settings one can use with MindTerm

The full obfuscated unsigned binary is primarily for using MindTerm "standalone" (i.e. as any ordinary SSH client) which means you have to install a Java runtime (JVM) to run it. This binary has been obfuscated to make it smaller. The unobfuscated binary is what you need if you want to use the MindTerm classes in your own project.

Depending on your platform the application is started in different ways. For example in windows when a recent JRE is installed you only have to double-click the mindterm.jar file and MindTerm will run. On other platforms it might be something like:

java -jar mindterm.jar

java -cp mindterm.jar com.mindbright.application.MindTerm

java -classpath mindterm.jar com.mindbright.application.MindTerm

jview /cp:p mindterm.jar com.mindbright.application.MindTerm

For more info on MindTerm and related issues visit

Installation Instructions

This information was originally sourced from the home pages of Andreas Bischoff http://prt.fernuni-hagen.de/~bischoff/wince/Andreas_WINCE_Jornada_stuff.html

extract the jar archive, and create a new jar with a modified Manifest file (replace dots with slashes)! I've done this with version MindTerm_2.3.1 but it should work with newer version too.

To replace the MainClass dots with slashes:

1. Extract the jar file:

jar -xvf mindterm.jar

2. Create a new file MainClass_mindterm.txt

3. Open MainClass_mindterm.txt and enter the following, followed by a blank new line:
Main-Class: com/mindbright/application/MindTerm

4. Create a new jar with the new MainClass:
jar -mcvf MainClass_mindterm.txt mindtermCE.jar com/* defaults/* netscape/*
Transfer it to the wince device, store it were you like.

5. Create the directories \Program Files\Java\mindterm and \Program Files\Java\mindterm\hostkeys on the wince device.
( \Progame\Java\mindter for wince german edition etc.)

6. Start the application with a doubleclick

7. Adjust the terminal-settings to fit the window size


ShellSSHOpen SourceSFTPSCPServiceRemote Execution

License Open Source
The program is open source, free and the source code is available on-line.
Website http://www.appgate.com/
Not working? Try this website on the WayBack Machine
Popularity 708
Total Downloads  73
Submitted By C:Amie
Submitted On 29 July 2019


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