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ScreenSnap 4.0

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Screen capture utility
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Screenshots & Images

Screenshot of Main program window


ScreenSnap is compatible with all Windows CE PC Companions running Microsoft Windows CE 2.00 or later.

ScreenSnap makes taking screen snap shots on your PC Companion easier than ever before.

* Capable of capturing 1, 2, 4, 16, 256 and 65536
color images (device dependent).
* Browse up to 100 images on the screen at once!
* Multiple methods to activate the screen capture.
* Configurable image file name prefixes to help
organize your snapshots.

No other tool makes it this easy to capture one or more screen shots in an instant!

Capturing screen shot images
ScreenSnap gives you two easy ways to capture screen images.  When ScreenSnap is running (as indicated by the icon in the system tray), you may:

* Double-tap the Developer One logo tray icon to capture the current screen, or:

* Press the currently assigned application launch button to capture the screen.(for Handheld PC's, use your own defined hotkey combination to capture images!)

ScreenSnap has the ability to temporarily use one of your application launch buttons (i.e. Contacts, Tasks, etc...) as a means to capture screen shots.  This has one significant benefit; capturing images in this manner will not cause the current application's window to lose focus. For Handheld PC's, you may assign a Win-key key combination to capture the screen shots.

What does this mean to you?  It means that you can capture screens without menus closing, or cursor positions/highlighting being affected as would be the case when you double-tap the
tray icon to capture an image.

Note: On grayscale (4 color) devices, all images are saved as *.2bp (4 color) bitmap files.  These files, once transferred to your desktop computer via Windows CE Services/ActiveSync will
automatically be converted to a *.bmp format file.  If, when transferring these *.2bp files from your Handheld or Palm-size PC, the conversion to *.bmp does not occur, perform the following: On the desktop, in the Mobile Devices explorer, select Tools, File Conversion.  Insure that the "Enable file conversion" option is checked, as well as confirming that
the Device->Desktop conversion is enabled for *.2bp to *.bmp conversions.

By default, ScreenSnap will use the \My Documents (or equivalent) folder as the target for saving and reading all screen shot images. As well, only *.bmp/*.2bp image files located in this folder will be viewed by the browser.

System Requirements

Desktop installer

Installation Instructions

Desktop installer


ExemptionwareScreen Capturescreenshotpicture savesnapshot

License Exemptionware
The developer has explicity chosen to make available a program that was formerly a commercial product, however is explcitly re-licencing the program (without necessary changing the legal disclaimers within) to remove any and all statements of liability.
Website http://www.developerone.com/
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Popularity 412
Total Downloads  147
Submitted By Rich Hawley
Submitted On 17 February 2013


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