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AView 0.91

Text reader and dictionary
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AView is a text reader with the ability to read file encoded in many formats.

AView can also be used to create a user dictionary. The dictionary data is compressed using the compression algorithm and therefore the actual size of the data is greatly reduced.

The .cab file includes executables for both the AView reader and the dictionary shell. A couple of sample dictionaries are also available for download.

It was created by modifying a program called Haali Reader. It is basically in C++ and most of the modules are well-organized, so there was no difficulty in modifying the code. For places where Locale is not basically processed like Jonada, the Unicode processing part is filled in using the code in libiconv (some copied and added to the code), and the name processing part of the ZIP file is also processed with appropriate encoding. It's corrected. In conclusion, it recognizes most Hangul files created in the CP949 environment, either Windows or UNIX, and displays all plain text documents in combination or complete form.

AView stands for All View.
Multicolumn, Rotation, Fullscreen
If you have a wide screen like HPC, when viewing text formatted for a narrow PDA, it only occupies one side, which makes viewing inconvenient. In this case, if you divide the wide screen properly vertically and view it in two lines, you can view a larger amount at once. (You can adjust the values ??of Columns.)

Now, it supports the full screen, which has become the basic function of text viewers, and the rotation function, which is difficult to see in other readers. In other words.. 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees.. rotation becomes. This is an advantage of arranging text appropriately on a PDA with a long horizontal or vertical length so that it can be viewed. Of course, the function change of the key according to the rotation is also made automatically. (You can adjust the Rotate value.)
Various file support
Basically, in WinCE environment using UNICODE, data cannot be viewed if OEM code or other codes are not processed. By using the code in libiconv, a function that converts the text of the KSC complete type and KSSM combination type, which are currently most used in our country, is built in to make it easy to see. It has been modified to automatically recognize them.
In addition, you can view PNG or JPG image files that are basically supported by Raali Reader.
View ZIP file
In general, most of the people who use a PDA use a compression program rather than saving the e-Book as it is in plain text. To view this on a PDA, either unpack and save it, or unpack it every time you see a compressed file. To solve this inconvenience, we provide a function that allows you to view the ZIP file without unpacking it.
The Korean file name in the ZIP file is displayed normally. (There is no ZIP utility that shows Korean file names properly..)
Utilize hardware buttons

You can set the Hardware button installed outside the PDA. In case of using GrabKey, the external hardware key installed in most PDA is recognized and connected, and its function can also be designated separately.

It shows how the first Hardware button was recognized using [Grab key]. (This is Jonada's [e] button.)

Selectable features

Action Description
Line forward & backward Move line by line (next, previous)
Page forward & backward Move page by page (next, previous)
Next section & Previous Section Move section unit ( Next , Previous )
Start of file & End of file Move documents (first, last)
Toggle fullscreen Toggle fullscreen mode.
Find & Find next
Contents View content (including bookmarks)
Forward & Backward to the next location, to the previous location

Rotate Rotate view 90 degrees
Next & Previous bookmark/section To next, previous bookmark
Increase Column & Decrease Column
Next Dictionary & Prev Dictionary

Page switching using screen tapping
When viewing text using the full screen, you can switch pages by mapping a separate hardware button, but you can switch pages by tapping the screen without using a separate key. Page switching uses only 1/3 of the entire screen as shown in the figure, and the rest of the area does not respond. This was taken into account when trying to double-tap to unlock full screen mode. ( 0.91.4 version and later, 0.91.8 bug patch )
dictionary use

If the dictionary data is registered, the dictionary can be used simply by tapping the word of the sentence being read. To use a dictionary, you must first receive the dictionary data and store it in the PDA.

After checking [Use dictionary] in the [General] option, you can use the required dictionary by selecting it from [Dictionaries] as needed.

There are three main ways to go to the dictionary mode.

Run the shortcut ADic.
After executing AView, take the specified word with a stylus. (in non-full screen mode)
While AView is running, drag the required word and select Dictionary.
Do not open the dictionary directly in AView!!!

In dictionary mode, you can directly enter a word to find another word you need, or press the tab key to enter a new word. To exit the dictionary, use Back. Adic

If you enter the dictionary mode by using it, you cannot exit.

To use the dictionary without a text viewer, run the dict.exe program in the place where the text viewer is installed. dict.exe is not a standalone program because it uses a text viewer (AView) to view a dictionary. (As a shortcut, the name will appear as ADic.)

If you run ADic without registering the dictionary, it will not run with an error. In that case, run AView to read any document, and then register the dictionary as described above.
[ Dictionary Conversion Program ]

While reading a book, if you drag using a stylus to search the dictionary using the required word, you will see the following pop-up.

If [Dictionary] is selected, the dictionary is searched using the specified word.
If you select [Copy], the selected content is copied to the clipboard.
Select [Add Bmk] to create a bookmark in the specified area.



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://wince.alticast.com/~amateras
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Released 23 May 2003
Popularity 2161
Total Downloads  3
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 21 August 2023


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