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I made an IP cam viewer (WCE 2.11 and up)

1 2
Karpour Page Icon Posted 2014-05-02 4:57 PM
Avatar image of Karpour
H/PC Philosopher

Good news! Since I had some free time, I actually developed a new application for my Jornada 820!
It's a viewer for FOSCAM IP cameras! Works fine thanks to the cam offering still image snapshots on an unencrypted http connection! Looks good despite the 256 colors too!

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Rich Hawley Page Icon Posted 2014-05-02 6:37 PM
Avatar image of Rich Hawley
Global Moderator
H/PC Guru

Very cool...you gonna write up a "how to" and share the software with us?
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C:Amie Page Icon Posted 2014-05-02 9:57 PM
Avatar image of C:Amie
H/PC Oracle

United Kingdom
Very nice work. What did you write it in?

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Karpour Page Icon Posted 2014-05-02 10:27 PM
Avatar image of Karpour
H/PC Philosopher

I used PersonalJava, which I - quite some time ago - dug up from the depths of the internet and submitted to the SCL
The good thing: It will run on any platform that supports PersonalJava (CE2.11 and 3.0) or any Java VM, that means it even runs on my desktop PC!

It's also super easy, I can use my regular Eclipse setup, all I do is set compatibility to Java 1.1 in Project settings! If anyone is interested, I can write a short article about how to get started, it's a super simple way to write new apps for old Handhelds without needing to know any Windows CE API!

Right now all the program does is display the image from the IPCam and refresh every few seconds, it's pretty basic but it works! Can release the source and binary sometime!
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nathanpc Page Icon Posted 2014-05-03 1:34 AM
Avatar image of nathanpc
H/PC Philosopher

It would be great if you could write about how to develop using Java 1.1, since it would be great for people that already know a language like Java and just want to write some simple programs for his HPC but doesn't want to learn another language/SDK.
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smb_gaiden Page Icon Posted 2014-05-03 1:58 AM
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Factorite (Elite)

Kudos to you, excellent idea and implementation!
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C:Amie Page Icon Posted 2014-05-03 9:24 AM
Avatar image of C:Amie
H/PC Oracle

United Kingdom
Very nice work.

For interested parties, Java downloads can be found in the SCL: http://www.hpcfactor.com/scl/search.asp?freetext=java&tag=true

kpour, an editorial or CESD support guide on this would be brilliant if you could!
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Karpour Page Icon Posted 2014-05-03 11:07 AM
Avatar image of Karpour
H/PC Philosopher

C:Amie: I noticed that the Java SCL entry is incomplete, I already mailed Rich, but here's a copy:

PersonalJava is Freeware, no trial period or anything!

Also, I have more CABs here, including PersonalJava 1.1

Also, here's a serial port library for Java, enabling people to use the serial port in their applications!

I think it would be good to include the 1.1 cabs too, I don't know the exact difference though.

Also, I wrote an article: http://www.hpcfactor.com/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=17394&posts=1&start=1
If you'd like to adapt this article and add it to the CESD, feel free to

Edited by kpour 2014-05-03 11:07 AM
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Rich Hawley Page Icon Posted 2014-05-03 12:37 PM
Avatar image of Rich Hawley
Global Moderator
H/PC Guru

SCL updated.
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stingraze Page Icon Posted 2014-05-03 10:56 PM
Avatar image of stingraze
H/PC Vanguard

kpour - 2014-05-03 1:57 AM

Good news! Since I had some free time, I actually developed a new application for my Jornada 820!
It's a viewer for FOSCAM IP cameras! Works fine thanks to the cam offering still image snapshots on an unencrypted http connection! Looks good despite the 256 colors too!

Wow! awesome!
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stingraze Page Icon Posted 2014-05-05 10:39 AM
Avatar image of stingraze
H/PC Vanguard

I will share a source code of Mohawk Spider. Open Source, MIT license.

hold ... on..

#!C:/Perl/bin/perl #COPYRIGHT TSUBASA KATO 2003-2014 use Getopt::Std; use vars qw($opt_i $opt_r); use Encode::Guess qw/ euc-jp shiftjis utf8 7bit-jis /; use Encode qw/ from_to /; use Fcntl ':flock'; require WWW::RobotRules; require LWP::UserAgent; $| = 1; # Disable STDOUT buffering my $config_file = "spider.conf"; my $keywords_regexp = "<meta[^>]+name\s*\=\s*\"keywords\"[^>]+content\s*\=\s*\"([^\">]*)"; my $description_regexp = "<meta[^>]+name\s*\=\s*\"description\"[^>]+content\s*\=\s*\"([^\">]*)"; #============================================ # DEFAULT CONFIG SETTINGS #============================================ my $seeds_file = "seeds.txt"; my $db_file = "spider.dat"; my $db_layout = "##URL##\t##KEYWORDS##\t##DESCRIPTION##\n"; my $max_description_length = 400; my $max_keywords_length = 800; my $generate_keywords = 1; my $guess_encoding_problems = 1; my $encoding_problems_threshold = 0.2; my $max_iterations = 4; my $max_db_size = 100000; my @exclude_url_rules = (); my @include_url_rules = ('^http:\/\/.*$'; my @exclude_content_types_rules = (); my @include_content_types_rules = ('text\/html', 'text\/plain'; my $page_max_size = 200000; my $ignore_robot_rules = 0; my $fetch_timeout = 3; my $user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ko; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"; my $max_redirects = 7; my $fetch_pause = 3; my $use_proxy = 0; my $proxy_url = ''; #============================================ # Read configuration file open (CONFIG, $config_file) or die "Unable to open configuration file: $config_file."; eval(join ('', <CONFIG>); close (CONFIG); # Init RobotRules parser my $robotsrules = new WWW::RobotRules($user_agent); # Stores the contents of robots.txt files of any host my %robots = (); # Initialize the URL queue from the seeds file my @url_queue = (); open (SEEDS, $seeds_file) or die "Unable to open $seeds_file."; foreach(<SEEDS>{ chomp; push @url_queue, $_; } close SEEDS; # Set of the already known urls my %known_urls = map {$_ => 1} @url_queue; # Initialize the URL queue for next step my @next_url_queue = (); # Value of current iteration my $iteration = 1; my $downloaded_pages = 0; my $downloaded_bytes = 0; my $created_records = 0; my $processed_this_iteration = 0; print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=s-jis\n\n"; open (DB, ">>$db_file" or die "Unable to open $db_file."; flock(DB,LOCK_EX); while ($iteration <= $max_iterations){ $processed_this_iteration = 0; print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Iteration number $iteration started.\n"; print "Number of pages to fetch: ".($#url_queue + 1)."\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; # loop on current queue foreach my $url (@url_queue){ $processed_this_iteration ++; $url = normalize_url($url); if(should_process_url($url)){ # Check for robot rules if check enabled if ($ignore_robot_rules || is_robot_allowed($url)){ my $page_text = get_page($url); if ($page_text){ $page_text = normalize_page($page_text); if ($guess_encoding_problems && has_encoding_problems($page_text)){ print "----> Page has unsupported character encoding.\n"; next; } # get keywords and description my $description = get_description($page_text); my $guess = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($description); if (ref $guess && $guess->name ne 'shiftjis' { Encode::from_to($description, $guess->name, 'shiftjis'; } #Figure out the encoding my $keywords = get_keywords($page_text); my $guess1 = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($keywords); if (ref $guess1 && $guess1->name ne 'shiftjis' { Encode::from_to($keywords, $guess1->name, 'shiftjis'; } if ($description || $keywords) { print DB get_db_record($url, $keywords, $description); $created_records++; flock(DB,LOCK_UN); # Finish if max size reached if ($created_records == $max_db_size){ print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Maximum database size reached ($max_db_size).\n"; print_iteration_stats(); print "Process completed."; close DB; exit (0); } } # If we have a next iteration then process also anchors if ($iteration < $max_iterations) { my @anchors; my @frames; my @imagemaps; (@anchors) = $page_text =~ m/<a[^>]*href\s*=\s*["']([^"'>]*)"/gsxi; (@frames) = $page_text =~ m/<i?frame[^>]*src\s*=\s*["']([^"'>]*)"/gsxi; (@imagemaps) = $page_text =~ m/<area[^>]*href\s*=\s*["']([^"'>]*)"/gsxi; my @all_links = (); push @all_links, @anchors; push @all_links, @frames; push @all_links, @all_links; my $added_pages = 0; foreach my $anchor (@anchors){ my $new_url = get_fully_quialified_url($url, $anchor); unless (defined $known_urls{$new_url}) { push @next_url_queue, $new_url; $known_urls{$new_url} = 1; $added_pages++; } } print "----> New pages found : $added_pages\n"; } } print "----> Remaining pages for iteration : ". ($#url_queue + 1 - $processed_this_iteration) ."\n\n"; if ($fetch_pause) {sleep ($fetch_pause);} } } } @url_queue = (); push @url_queue, @next_url_queue; @next_url_queue = (); print_iteration_stats(); $iteration++; } print "Process completed."; close DB; my $dbfile = "spider.dat"; my $keywords = "keywords.dat"; my $urls = "urls.dat"; my $descr = "descriptions.dat"; open (I, "$dbfile" or die "Unable to open: $dbfile"; my @lines = <I>; close I; open (K, ">$keywords" or die "Unable to open: $keywords"; open (U, ">$urls" or die "Unable to open: $urls"; open (D, ">$descr" or die "Unable to open: $descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; @lines = reverse(@lines); open (K, ">rev_$keywords" or die "Unable to open: rev_$keywords"; open (U, ">rev_$urls" or die "Unable to open: rev_$urls"; open (D, ">rev_$descr" or die "Unable to open: rev_$descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; #Sort Alphabetically A-Z @lines = sort(@lines); open (K, ">sort_$keywords" or die "Unable to open: rev_$keywords"; open (U, ">sort_$urls" or die "Unable to open: rev_$urls"; open (D, ">sort_$descr" or die "Unable to open: rev_$descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; #Sort Alphabetically Z-A @lines = reverse sort(@lines); open (K, ">revsort_$keywords" or die "Unable to open: rev_$keywords"; open (U, ">revsort_$urls" or die "Unable to open: rev_$urls"; open (D, ">revsort_$descr" or die "Unable to open: rev_$descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; exit (0); ############################################## # Print last iteration statistics ############################################## sub print_iteration_stats { print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Iteration number $iteration completed.\n"; print "Total pages downloaded : $downloaded_pages\n"; print "Total bytes downloaded : $downloaded_bytes\n"; print "Total records created : $created_records\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } ############################################## # Check if a given url should be processed # according to include/exclude rules ############################################## sub should_process_url { my $url = shift; foreach my $exclude_rule (@exclude_url_rules){ return 0 if ($url =~ /$exclude_rule/); } foreach my $include_rule (@include_url_rules){ return 1 if ($url =~ /$include_rule/); } return 0; } ############################################## # Check if a given url should be processed # according to content type ############################################## sub check_content_type { my $content_type = shift; foreach my $exclude_content_types_rule (@exclude_content_types_rules){ return 0 if ($content_type =~ /$exclude_content_types_rule/); } foreach my $include_content_types_rule (@include_content_types_rules){ return 1 if ($content_type =~ /$include_content_types_rule/); } return 0; } ############################################## # Check if a given url should be processed # according to robot rules ############################################## sub is_robot_allowed { my $url = shift; my ($protocol, $rest) = $url =~ m|^([^:/]*).*)$|; my ($server_host, $port, $document) = $rest =~ m|^//([^:/]*):*([0-9]*)/*([^:]*)$|; if (!$port) {$port = 80;} my $key = "$server_host:$port"; # If we haven't yet downloaded robot.txt from this host, donload it now unless (defined $robots{$key}){load_robot_rules($server_host, $port);} # Now check rules if ($robots{$key}){ $robotsrules->parse($url, $robots{$key}); return $robotsrules->allowed($url); } else { return 1; } } ############################################## # Load robot.txt rules. Gets an internal # representation of disallow rules that apply to us ############################################## sub load_robot_rules { my $host = shift; my $port = shift; my $key = "$host:$port"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; setup_ua($ua); my $url = "http://$host:$port/robots.txt"; print "--> Fetching: robots.txt for: http://".$host.":".$port."..."; my $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success){ $downloaded_bytes += length($response->content); $robots{$key} = $response->content; print "OK.\n"; } else { $robots{$key} = ''; print "Failed, ignoring it. ".$response->status_line."\n"; } } ############################################## # Gets a page ############################################## sub get_page { my $url = shift; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; setup_ua($ua); print "--> Fetching: $url......"; my $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success){ unless(check_content_type($response->header('content-type')){ print "Excluded because of content type (".$response->header('content-type'." .\n"; return ""; }; print "OK.\n"; $downloaded_pages++; $downloaded_bytes += length($response->content); return $response->content; } else { print "Error. ".$response->status_line."\n"; return ""; } } ############################################## # Setup user agent ############################################## sub setup_ua { my $ua = shift; $ua->agent($user_agent); $ua->timeout($fetch_timeout); $ua->max_redirect($max_redirects); $ua->max_size($page_max_size) if (defined $page_max_size); $ua->proxy('http', $proxy_url) if ($use_proxy); } ############################################## # Normalize page content for processing ############################################## sub normalize_page (){ my $page_text = shift; $page_text =~ s/[\r\n]/ /gsx; $page_text =~ s/\s+/ /gsx; $page_text =~ s|<!--[^>]*-->||gsx; return $page_text; } ############################################## # Normalize url. If there is no path, be sure to have a / at the end ############################################## sub normalize_url (){ my $url = shift; if ($url =~ /^http\:\/\/[^\/]+$/i){$url .= '/';} return $url; } ############################################## # Build a fully specified URL. ############################################## sub get_fully_quialified_url { my ($thisURL, $anchor) = @_; my ($has_proto, $has_lead_slash, $currprot, $currhost, $newURL); # Strip anything following a number sign '#', because its # just a reference to a position within a page. $anchor =~ s|^.*#[^#]*$|$1|; # Examine anchor to see what parts of the URL are specified. $has_proto = 0; $has_lead_slash=0; $has_proto = 1 if($anchor =~ m|^[^/:]+:|); $has_lead_slash = 1 if ($anchor =~ m|^/|); if($has_proto == 1){ # If protocol specified, assume anchor is fully qualified. $newURL = $anchor; } elsif($has_lead_slash == 1){ # If document has a leading slash, it just needs protocol and host. ($currprot, $currhost) = $thisURL =~ m|^([^:/]*):/+([^:/]*)|; $newURL = $currprot . "://" . $currhost . $anchor; } else{ ($newURL) = $thisURL =~ m|^(.*)/[^/]*$|; $newURL .= "/" if (! ($newURL =~ m|/$|)); $newURL .= $anchor; } return $newURL; } ###################################################### # Get description from HTML comtent ###################################################### sub get_description { my $page_text = shift; my $description = ''; if ($page_text =~ m/$description_regexp/gsxi){$description = $1;} if (length ($description) > $max_description_length){ ($description) = $description =~ /^(.{0,$max_description_length})\s/gsx; } return $description; } ###################################################### # Get keywords from HTML content ###################################################### sub get_keywords { my $page_text = shift; my $keywords = ''; if ($page_text =~ m/$keywords_regexp/gsxi){$keywords = $1;} if (length ($keywords) > $max_keywords_length){ ($keywords) = $keywords =~ /^(.{0,$max_keywords_length})\s/gsx; } if (!$keywords && $generate_keywords){ $keywords = generate_keywords($page_text); } return $keywords; } ###################################################### # Generate a set of keywords from html content ###################################################### sub generate_keywords { my $page_text = shift; my @keywords; # Remove all tags and get lower case $page_text = extract_text($page_text); $page_text = lc($page_text); # Take all words longer than 4 chars (@keywords) = $page_text =~ /\s([a-zA-Z0-9\-\@]{5,})\s/gsx; # Count word frequency my %tmp = (); foreach my $word (@keywords){ if (defined $tmp{$word}) {$tmp{$word} += 1;} else {$tmp{$word} = 1;} } # Remove duplicates my %keyword_hash = map {$_ => 1} @keywords; @keywords = keys %keyword_hash; # Sort according to frequency my @out = sort { $tmp{$b} <=> $tmp{$a} } @keywords; my $keywords = join (', ', @out); if (length ($keywords) > $max_keywords_length){ ($keywords) = $keywords =~ /^(.{0,$max_keywords_length})\s/gsx; } return $keywords; } ###################################################### # Generate record to be written to DB ###################################################### sub get_db_record { my $url = shift; my $keywords = shift; my $description = shift; my $record = $db_layout; $record =~ s/##KEYWORDS##/$keywords/; $record =~ s/##DESCRIPTION##/$description/; $record =~ s/##URL##/$url/; return $record; } ###################################################### # Checks if a page has too many unrecognized characters ###################################################### sub has_encoding_problems { my $page_text = shift; $page_text = extract_text($page_text); $page_text = lc ($page_text); # Remove tags and whitespaces, html escape chars $page_text =~ s/\&.{1,5}\;//gsx; $page_text =~ s/\s//gsx; my $original_length = length ($page_text); if (!$original_length) {return 0;} # Remove all good characters $page_text =~ s/[a-z0-9]//gsx; my $strange_chars = length ($page_text); if ($strange_chars/$original_length > $encoding_problems_threshold){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } ###################################################### # Remove all tage ###################################################### sub extract_text { my $page_text = shift; $page_text =~ s/<script.*?\/script>//gsxi; $page_text =~ s/<style.*?\/style>//gsxi; $page_text =~ s/<[^>]*>//gsx; return $page_text; }

Edited by stingraze 2014-05-05 10:43 AM
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stingraze Page Icon Posted 2014-05-05 10:22 PM
Avatar image of stingraze
H/PC Vanguard

stingraze - 2014-05-05 7:39 PM

I will share a source code of Mohawk Spider. Open Source, MIT license.

hold ... on..

#!C:/Perl/bin/perl #COPYRIGHT TSUBASA KATO 2003-2014 use Getopt::Std; use vars qw($opt_i $opt_r); use Encode::Guess qw/ euc-jp shiftjis utf8 7bit-jis /; use Encode qw/ from_to /; use Fcntl ':flock'; require WWW::RobotRules; require LWP::UserAgent; $| = 1; # Disable STDOUT buffering my $config_file = "spider.conf"; my $keywords_regexp = "<meta[^>]+name\s*\=\s*\"keywords\"[^>]+content\s*\=\s*\"([^\">]*)"; my $description_regexp = "<meta[^>]+name\s*\=\s*\"description\"[^>]+content\s*\=\s*\"([^\">]*)"; #============================================ # DEFAULT CONFIG SETTINGS #============================================ my $seeds_file = "seeds.txt"; my $db_file = "spider.dat"; my $db_layout = "##URL##\t##KEYWORDS##\t##DESCRIPTION##\n"; my $max_description_length = 400; my $max_keywords_length = 800; my $generate_keywords = 1; my $guess_encoding_problems = 1; my $encoding_problems_threshold = 0.2; my $max_iterations = 4; my $max_db_size = 100000; my @exclude_url_rules = (); my @include_url_rules = ('^http:\/\/.*$'; my @exclude_content_types_rules = (); my @include_content_types_rules = ('text\/html', 'text\/plain'; my $page_max_size = 200000; my $ignore_robot_rules = 0; my $fetch_timeout = 3; my $user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ko; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"; my $max_redirects = 7; my $fetch_pause = 3; my $use_proxy = 0; my $proxy_url = ''; #============================================ # Read configuration file open (CONFIG, $config_file) or die "Unable to open configuration file: $config_file."; eval(join ('', <CONFIG>); close (CONFIG); # Init RobotRules parser my $robotsrules = new WWW::RobotRules($user_agent); # Stores the contents of robots.txt files of any host my %robots = (); # Initialize the URL queue from the seeds file my @url_queue = (); open (SEEDS, $seeds_file) or die "Unable to open $seeds_file."; foreach(<SEEDS>{ chomp; push @url_queue, $_; } close SEEDS; # Set of the already known urls my %known_urls = map {$_ => 1} @url_queue; # Initialize the URL queue for next step my @next_url_queue = (); # Value of current iteration my $iteration = 1; my $downloaded_pages = 0; my $downloaded_bytes = 0; my $created_records = 0; my $processed_this_iteration = 0; print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=s-jis\n\n"; open (DB, ">>$db_file" or die "Unable to open $db_file."; flock(DB,LOCK_EX); while ($iteration <= $max_iterations){ $processed_this_iteration = 0; print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Iteration number $iteration started.\n"; print "Number of pages to fetch: ".($#url_queue + 1)."\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; # loop on current queue foreach my $url (@url_queue){ $processed_this_iteration ++; $url = normalize_url($url); if(should_process_url($url)){ # Check for robot rules if check enabled if ($ignore_robot_rules || is_robot_allowed($url)){ my $page_text = get_page($url); if ($page_text){ $page_text = normalize_page($page_text); if ($guess_encoding_problems && has_encoding_problems($page_text)){ print "----> Page has unsupported character encoding.\n"; next; } # get keywords and description my $description = get_description($page_text); my $guess = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($description); if (ref $guess && $guess->name ne 'shiftjis' { Encode::from_to($description, $guess->name, 'shiftjis'; } #Figure out the encoding my $keywords = get_keywords($page_text); my $guess1 = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($keywords); if (ref $guess1 && $guess1->name ne 'shiftjis' { Encode::from_to($keywords, $guess1->name, 'shiftjis'; } if ($description || $keywords) { print DB get_db_record($url, $keywords, $description); $created_records++; flock(DB,LOCK_UN); # Finish if max size reached if ($created_records == $max_db_size){ print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Maximum database size reached ($max_db_size).\n"; print_iteration_stats(); print "Process completed."; close DB; exit (0); } } # If we have a next iteration then process also anchors if ($iteration < $max_iterations) { my @anchors; my @frames; my @imagemaps; (@anchors) = $page_text =~ m/<a[^>]*href\s*=\s*["']([^"'>]*)"/gsxi; (@frames) = $page_text =~ m/<i?frame[^>]*src\s*=\s*["']([^"'>]*)"/gsxi; (@imagemaps) = $page_text =~ m/<area[^>]*href\s*=\s*["']([^"'>]*)"/gsxi; my @all_links = (); push @all_links, @anchors; push @all_links, @frames; push @all_links, @all_links; my $added_pages = 0; foreach my $anchor (@anchors){ my $new_url = get_fully_quialified_url($url, $anchor); unless (defined $known_urls{$new_url}) { push @next_url_queue, $new_url; $known_urls{$new_url} = 1; $added_pages++; } } print "----> New pages found : $added_pages\n"; } } print "----> Remaining pages for iteration : ". ($#url_queue + 1 - $processed_this_iteration) ."\n\n"; if ($fetch_pause) {sleep ($fetch_pause);} } } } @url_queue = (); push @url_queue, @next_url_queue; @next_url_queue = (); print_iteration_stats(); $iteration++; } print "Process completed."; close DB; my $dbfile = "spider.dat"; my $keywords = "keywords.dat"; my $urls = "urls.dat"; my $descr = "descriptions.dat"; open (I, "$dbfile" or die "Unable to open: $dbfile"; my @lines = <I>; close I; open (K, ">$keywords" or die "Unable to open: $keywords"; open (U, ">$urls" or die "Unable to open: $urls"; open (D, ">$descr" or die "Unable to open: $descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; @lines = reverse(@lines); open (K, ">rev_$keywords" or die "Unable to open: rev_$keywords"; open (U, ">rev_$urls" or die "Unable to open: rev_$urls"; open (D, ">rev_$descr" or die "Unable to open: rev_$descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; #Sort Alphabetically A-Z @lines = sort(@lines); open (K, ">sort_$keywords" or die "Unable to open: rev_$keywords"; open (U, ">sort_$urls" or die "Unable to open: rev_$urls"; open (D, ">sort_$descr" or die "Unable to open: rev_$descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; #Sort Alphabetically Z-A @lines = reverse sort(@lines); open (K, ">revsort_$keywords" or die "Unable to open: rev_$keywords"; open (U, ">revsort_$urls" or die "Unable to open: rev_$urls"; open (D, ">revsort_$descr" or die "Unable to open: rev_$descr"; foreach (@lines){ chomp; my ($u, $k, $d) = split(/;/, $_, 3); print K "$k\n"; print U "$u\n"; print D "$d\n"; } close K; close U; close D; exit (0); ############################################## # Print last iteration statistics ############################################## sub print_iteration_stats { print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Iteration number $iteration completed.\n"; print "Total pages downloaded : $downloaded_pages\n"; print "Total bytes downloaded : $downloaded_bytes\n"; print "Total records created : $created_records\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } ############################################## # Check if a given url should be processed # according to include/exclude rules ############################################## sub should_process_url { my $url = shift; foreach my $exclude_rule (@exclude_url_rules){ return 0 if ($url =~ /$exclude_rule/); } foreach my $include_rule (@include_url_rules){ return 1 if ($url =~ /$include_rule/); } return 0; } ############################################## # Check if a given url should be processed # according to content type ############################################## sub check_content_type { my $content_type = shift; foreach my $exclude_content_types_rule (@exclude_content_types_rules){ return 0 if ($content_type =~ /$exclude_content_types_rule/); } foreach my $include_content_types_rule (@include_content_types_rules){ return 1 if ($content_type =~ /$include_content_types_rule/); } return 0; } ############################################## # Check if a given url should be processed # according to robot rules ############################################## sub is_robot_allowed { my $url = shift; my ($protocol, $rest) = $url =~ m|^([^:/]*).*)$|; my ($server_host, $port, $document) = $rest =~ m|^//([^:/]*):*([0-9]*)/*([^:]*)$|; if (!$port) {$port = 80;} my $key = "$server_host:$port"; # If we haven't yet downloaded robot.txt from this host, donload it now unless (defined $robots{$key}){load_robot_rules($server_host, $port);} # Now check rules if ($robots{$key}){ $robotsrules->parse($url, $robots{$key}); return $robotsrules->allowed($url); } else { return 1; } } ############################################## # Load robot.txt rules. Gets an internal # representation of disallow rules that apply to us ############################################## sub load_robot_rules { my $host = shift; my $port = shift; my $key = "$host:$port"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; setup_ua($ua); my $url = "http://$host:$port/robots.txt"; print "--> Fetching: robots.txt for: http://".$host.":".$port."..."; my $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success){ $downloaded_bytes += length($response->content); $robots{$key} = $response->content; print "OK.\n"; } else { $robots{$key} = ''; print "Failed, ignoring it. ".$response->status_line."\n"; } } ############################################## # Gets a page ############################################## sub get_page { my $url = shift; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; setup_ua($ua); print "--> Fetching: $url......"; my $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success){ unless(check_content_type($response->header('content-type')){ print "Excluded because of content type (".$response->header('content-type'." .\n"; return ""; }; print "OK.\n"; $downloaded_pages++; $downloaded_bytes += length($response->content); return $response->content; } else { print "Error. ".$response->status_line."\n"; return ""; } } ############################################## # Setup user agent ############################################## sub setup_ua { my $ua = shift; $ua->agent($user_agent); $ua->timeout($fetch_timeout); $ua->max_redirect($max_redirects); $ua->max_size($page_max_size) if (defined $page_max_size); $ua->proxy('http', $proxy_url) if ($use_proxy); } ############################################## # Normalize page content for processing ############################################## sub normalize_page (){ my $page_text = shift; $page_text =~ s/[\r\n]/ /gsx; $page_text =~ s/\s+/ /gsx; $page_text =~ s|<!--[^>]*-->||gsx; return $page_text; } ############################################## # Normalize url. If there is no path, be sure to have a / at the end ############################################## sub normalize_url (){ my $url = shift; if ($url =~ /^http\:\/\/[^\/]+$/i){$url .= '/';} return $url; } ############################################## # Build a fully specified URL. ############################################## sub get_fully_quialified_url { my ($thisURL, $anchor) = @_; my ($has_proto, $has_lead_slash, $currprot, $currhost, $newURL); # Strip anything following a number sign '#', because its # just a reference to a position within a page. $anchor =~ s|^.*#[^#]*$|$1|; # Examine anchor to see what parts of the URL are specified. $has_proto = 0; $has_lead_slash=0; $has_proto = 1 if($anchor =~ m|^[^/:]+:|); $has_lead_slash = 1 if ($anchor =~ m|^/|); if($has_proto == 1){ # If protocol specified, assume anchor is fully qualified. $newURL = $anchor; } elsif($has_lead_slash == 1){ # If document has a leading slash, it just needs protocol and host. ($currprot, $currhost) = $thisURL =~ m|^([^:/]*):/+([^:/]*)|; $newURL = $currprot . "://" . $currhost . $anchor; } else{ ($newURL) = $thisURL =~ m|^(.*)/[^/]*$|; $newURL .= "/" if (! ($newURL =~ m|/$|)); $newURL .= $anchor; } return $newURL; } ###################################################### # Get description from HTML comtent ###################################################### sub get_description { my $page_text = shift; my $description = ''; if ($page_text =~ m/$description_regexp/gsxi){$description = $1;} if (length ($description) > $max_description_length){ ($description) = $description =~ /^(.{0,$max_description_length})\s/gsx; } return $description; } ###################################################### # Get keywords from HTML content ###################################################### sub get_keywords { my $page_text = shift; my $keywords = ''; if ($page_text =~ m/$keywords_regexp/gsxi){$keywords = $1;} if (length ($keywords) > $max_keywords_length){ ($keywords) = $keywords =~ /^(.{0,$max_keywords_length})\s/gsx; } if (!$keywords && $generate_keywords){ $keywords = generate_keywords($page_text); } return $keywords; } ###################################################### # Generate a set of keywords from html content ###################################################### sub generate_keywords { my $page_text = shift; my @keywords; # Remove all tags and get lower case $page_text = extract_text($page_text); $page_text = lc($page_text); # Take all words longer than 4 chars (@keywords) = $page_text =~ /\s([a-zA-Z0-9\-\@]{5,})\s/gsx; # Count word frequency my %tmp = (); foreach my $word (@keywords){ if (defined $tmp{$word}) {$tmp{$word} += 1;} else {$tmp{$word} = 1;} } # Remove duplicates my %keyword_hash = map {$_ => 1} @keywords; @keywords = keys %keyword_hash; # Sort according to frequency my @out = sort { $tmp{$b} <=> $tmp{$a} } @keywords; my $keywords = join (', ', @out); if (length ($keywords) > $max_keywords_length){ ($keywords) = $keywords =~ /^(.{0,$max_keywords_length})\s/gsx; } return $keywords; } ###################################################### # Generate record to be written to DB ###################################################### sub get_db_record { my $url = shift; my $keywords = shift; my $description = shift; my $record = $db_layout; $record =~ s/##KEYWORDS##/$keywords/; $record =~ s/##DESCRIPTION##/$description/; $record =~ s/##URL##/$url/; return $record; } ###################################################### # Checks if a page has too many unrecognized characters ###################################################### sub has_encoding_problems { my $page_text = shift; $page_text = extract_text($page_text); $page_text = lc ($page_text); # Remove tags and whitespaces, html escape chars $page_text =~ s/\&.{1,5}\;//gsx; $page_text =~ s/\s//gsx; my $original_length = length ($page_text); if (!$original_length) {return 0;} # Remove all good characters $page_text =~ s/[a-z0-9]//gsx; my $strange_chars = length ($page_text); if ($strange_chars/$original_length > $encoding_problems_threshold){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } ###################################################### # Remove all tage ###################################################### sub extract_text { my $page_text = shift; $page_text =~ s/<script.*?\/script>//gsxi; $page_text =~ s/<style.*?\/style>//gsxi; $page_text =~ s/<[^>]*>//gsx; return $page_text; }

Please share, modify or use the spider!
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stingraze Page Icon Posted 2014-05-05 10:34 PM
Avatar image of stingraze
H/PC Vanguard

sorry for off topic.... but seriously I NEED devleopers who can do perl or convert it to C/ C++
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Karpour Page Icon Posted 2014-05-06 1:15 AM
Avatar image of Karpour
H/PC Philosopher

Uhm.. that was random? O.ò
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stingraze Page Icon Posted 2014-05-07 3:39 AM
Avatar image of stingraze
H/PC Vanguard

Karpour - 2014-05-06 10:15 AM

Uhm.. that was random? O.ò

random number generator = lotto. my nickname is randomz
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