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Majerus.net ActiveScript Shell 2.0

ActiveScript Shell (axsh) is a command-line shell that lets you interact with JScript and COM/OLE Automation objects.
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HPC:Factor Note: This program can be used to display 2bp files, but does not convert them. For more details, please see the following HPC:Factor Forum Thread by the Developer, Philippe Majerus (PhMajerus)

Use Windows Scripting interactively.

ActiveScript Shell (axsh) is a command-line shell that lets you interact with JScript and COM/OLE Automation objects.

It is designed to be language agnostic, so you can use Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition or another engine.

It can be used for administrative tasks, prototyping, testing Automation components during development, experimenting, or just to learn JavaScript interactively.


• The Windows Store Edition of axsh uses the Microsoft® JScript® engine, an implementation of the JavaScript (ECMA-262 3rd edition) language

• Other engines can be used by launching axsh.exe from within itself, requesting another engine as in exec("axsh.exe /e:VBScript");


• Built-in object (AXSH) lets you control the shell itself

• Majerus.Console lets you control the Windows console

• Majerus.ANSI makes it easy to work with ANSI/VT control sequences, and even generate ANSI strings from images and text

• Majerus.Text makes it easy to work with Unicode and text formatting

• axsh.fun shows how to easily write components using a scripting language, including JScript itself

• Windows includes many Automation objects that can be used right away, and many more can be installed

Check out the website for more details: www.majerus.net/axsh



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://www.phm.lu/products
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Released 01 January 2024
Language Support English
Popularity 2827
Total Downloads  0
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 09 March 2024


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