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The Pipe for CE 0.18

The Pipe for CE is a water pipe puzzle game
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The Pipe for CE is a water pipe-like game of puzzle game.
Unless it arranges the pipe, you can continue flowing water.

Subsequent to the right edge of the screen, three pipes will be shown.
Position the tap pipe to tap the screen in position 1 was placed the 2 and 3 position in pipe was one shifted to the right.

Water headwaters to count down after 10 seconds. At the time had stopped the flow of water is the game over.

And tap the pipe in position 1 score is penalized, but the you can pass the pipe. Path in hard mode, however, Can not.

To tap the already placed the pipe position and more to pass Score is penalized can again lay the pipe. However, cannot again put in hard mode.

Also, every 30 seconds will appear is one item.



License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~skimoto/index.html
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Popularity 1124
Total Downloads  38
Submitted By C:Amie
Submitted On 20 December 2013


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