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Regedit Beta 1

Windows CE 2.0 registry editor
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When I first got my Windows CE device (a Cassiopeia A-11) I finally got to see what I had been waiting for since October of 1996. MSJ had an article on developing for 'Pegasus', a scaled down version of Windows NT for embedded systems. I was then beta testing the Windows CE SDK and couldn't wait to get my hands on an actual device. The Cassiopeia was the first incarnation of a device using Windows CE, a device in the Handheld PC form factor.

One of the first things I noticed as I became familiar with the OS was that there was a big piece of functionality missing: a registry editor. The only way to edit the registry was remotely, and it was a long while before custom registry editors started popping up around the web. These were somewhat crude dialog boxes that let you step through the registry. Then Windows CE 2.0 came out, and I was hoping Microsoft would have filled this gap along with the other improvements it made. It turned out I was wrong. I then decided I would build my own registry editor, one that would look and feel like the one I was so used to on NT.

Highlights (Beta 1):
- Importing of *.reg files is now supported, either by opening a *.reg file from the program, or by double clicking a *.reg file from anywhere in the Windows CE explorer. Here is a sample *.reg file, it follows the same conventions as the Win95 regedit.
- Multi-String editing is now available.
- A MIPS version is now available, but I don't have a MIPS device, so any feedback you can give me would be appreciated.

Known Issues (Beta 1):
- The following functionality has not been implemented yet: Export from the registry, Print, Find, Renaming a key, Binary editing (Binary viewing, however, is supported).
- When importing a *.reg file, it must start with REGEDIT CE, or the program won't recognize it as a valid file.
- *.reg file value entries cannot span multiple lines. A value must be specified on one line. A later version will support multi line values with a '\' for line separation (like the Win95 regedit). See the sample above for an example file.

System Requirements

The current version was designed for Windows CE 2.0 only. It requires the Windows CE 2.0 MFC DLLs (if you don't have it in ROM you can download it below and put it in your \Windows directory). A Windows CE 1.0 version may be made available when I finish the CE 2.0 version.

Unzip the file and copy the *.exe to your HPC. You can put it anywhere, but I suggest putting it in \Windows so you can get to it easily from the command line (it's in the path).

Installation Instructions

The current version was designed for Windows CE 2.0 only. It requires the Windows CE 2.0 MFC DLLs (if you don't have it in ROM you can download it below and put it in your \Windows directory). A Windows CE 1.0 version may be made available when I finish the CE 2.0 version.

Unzip the file and copy the *.exe to your HPC. You can put it anywhere, but I suggest putting it in \Windows so you can get to it easily from the command line (it's in the path).


Registry Editor

License Freeware
The program is completely free to use.
Website http://www.walrus.com/~fjordao/
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Popularity 892
Total Downloads  56
Submitted By C:Amie
Submitted On 06 January 2013


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