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ST101WinSock.dll 1.4

A set of optimized socket routines that allow you to call the Winsock API directly from eMbedded Visual Basic and eMbedded Visual C++.
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This file describes ST101WinSock.dll. It contains a set of optimized socket routines that allow you to call the Winsock API directly from eMbedded Visual Basic and eMbedded Visual C++. These routines are meant to replace the WinSock ActiveX control that comes with eVB with the following advantages.

Improved performance by more than a factor of 10 over the WinSock ActiveX control.

Greater programming control, such as non-blocking functions.

The ability to handle binary.

A simplified interface.

You can download the free personal version or purchase a commercial version of the software at http://www.SoftwareTraining101.com/freeware.html.

If you need assistance with your Windows CE application, check out the ways we can help.

If you have questions, please email us at help@SoftwareTraining101.com.

We Can Help

We can help you develop that wireless or socket-based application on your Pocket PC. We provide online training, technical support, and consulting for Windows CE, Palm OS, Internet Technologies, and the Oracle Relational Database.

Training - We are one of the featured Microsoft trainers. We offer online training and programming courses through a combination of self-study lectures, hands-on programming exercises, and access to qualified instructors by email. Check out our Windows CE courses at http://www.SoftwareTraining101.com/ppc.

Technical Support - Do you have a technical question on something that isn't covered in our online courses? We offer per-incident and monthly technical support by email and telephone. Check out our support options at http://www.SoftwareTraining101.com/consult.html

Consulting - Do you need help on your current software development project? We can design and develop software applications customized to your specific requirements. Email us at help@SoftwareTraining101.com to find out how we can help.


Personal Version

This program is provided "as is" with no implied or written warranty. Permission is granted to use this software for personal use only. Permission is granted to distribute to others for personal use as long as this document is included with the software, no fee is charged for this software, no handling or shipping fee is charged, and it is not bundled with any other item.

Commercial Version

A commercial version of the software, along with training courses for Windows CE, may be purchased at http://www.SoftwareTraining101.com/freeware.html. Software developed with the commercial version may be freely distributed, as long as the source code files with your software license (*.bas, *.frm, and *.cpp files) are not distributed.

Software License

The ST101_Connect() and ST101_Accept() functions must be called with a valid software license. For the personal version, use the text string "Personal" for the license.

The personal version displays a shareware message that must be dismissed each time a socket connection is made. This does not happen if you have a valid software license.

Winsock Programming Tips

The purpose of this help file is to describe the functions provided. If you need help to learn how to program sockets under Windows CE, please check out the WinSock Programmer's FAQ. If you need additional assistance, find out how we can help.

Binary Data Transfer

Because of the conversion between Visual Basic and Visual C++, all data is transferred in wide character strings. Look under ST101_Send and ST101_Recv for information on how to send and receive strings of binary data.

IP Address Resolution

The Pocket PC 2002 cannot resolve IP addresses unless the device is connected to a WINS server or has a host entry in its registry. This is not true for C/C++ programs under Windows CE 3.0, Windows 98, and Windows 2000. In addition, this is not true when using the WinSock Active X control under eVB. So as far as I can tell, this is a bug feature. It is documented at http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/pocketpc/tips/activesyncnet.asp. Microsoft recommends that you can download Pocket Hosts from Marc Zimmerman's site to create host entries in your registry.

Microsoft Pocket PC Connection Wizard

If your Pocket PC isn't configured for TCP/IP, you may need to download and run the Microsoft Pocket PC Connection Wizard. This wizard will run on your desktop and will help you set up your Pocket PC to accept a variety of connection options.

Client Functions

A simple client program would use the following functions.









Public Sub SimpleClient()
Dim iRet As Integer
Dim buf As String
Dim iSocket as Integer

iRet = ST101_WSAStartup
iSocket = ST101_Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
iRet = ST101_Connect(iSocket, "", 23, "LICENSE")

'Send data
iRet = ST101_Send(iSocket, "Hello, world!", Len("Hello, world!"))

'Read data, if any is waiting
iRet = ST101_DataWaiting(iSocket)
If iRet > 0 Then
buf = Space(iRet)
iRet = ST101_Recv(iSocket, buf, iRet)
End If

'Clean up
iRet = ST101_closesocket(iSocket)
iRet = ST101_WSACleanup()
End Sub

Server Functions

A simple server program would use the following functions.












Public Sub SimpleServer()
Dim iRet As Integer
Dim localSocket, inputSocket As Integer
Dim buf As String

'Get into listening mode
iRet = ST101_WSAStartup
localSocket = ST101_Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
iRet = ST101_Bind(localSocket , 23)
iRet = ST101_Listen(localSocket , 1, "LICENSE")

'Make a connection
inputSocket = ST101_AcceptTimeOut(iSocket, 20)
If iRet < 0 Then Exit Sub

'Send data
iRet = ST101_Send(iSocket, "Hello, world!", Len("Hello, world!"))

'Read data, if any is waiting
iRet = ST101_DataWaiting(inputSocket)
If iRet > 0 Then
buf = Space(iRet)
iRet = ST101_Recv(inputSocket, buf, iRet)
End If

'Clean up
iRet = ST101_ShutDown(inputSocket)
iRet = ST101_CloseSocket(inputSocket)
iRet = ST101_CloseSocket(localSocket)
iRet = ST101_WSACleanup()
End Sub

Alphabetical List of Functions and Constants

























Note that these must be Private constants if they are declared in a form (*.ebf file). They may be Public constants if declared in a module (*.bas file).

Public Const AF_INET = 2

Public Const AF_IRDA = 22

Public Const SOCK_STREAM = 1

Public Const SOCK_DGRAM = 2

Public Const INVALID_SOCKET = -1

Public Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1



This function accepts a connection on a socket.


Declare Function ST101_Accept Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer


Argument 1 is a socket that has been placed in a listening state.

Argument 2 is your ST101_WinSock.dll license. See the license section for more information.

Returns the socket on which the connection is being made, or INVALID_SOCKET on error.



This function accepts a connection on a socket. It will timeout after a specified number of seconds.


Declare Function ST101_AcceptTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer


Argument 1 is a socket that has been placed in a listening state.

Argument 2 is the number of seconds to wait before timing out.

Argument 3 is your ST101_WinSock.dll license. See the license section for more information.

Returns the socket on which the connection is being made, or INVALID_SOCKET on error.



This function associates a local address with a socket.


Declare Function ST101_Bind Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal port As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is an unbound socket.

Argument 2 is a local port.

Return value is zero, or INVALID_SOCKET on error.



This function closes a socket.


Declare Function ST101_CloseSocket Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is the socket to close.

Return value is zero, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function establishes a connection to a peer.

See the note under Winsock Programming Tips about IP address resolution.


Declare Function ST101_Connect Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal addr As String, ByVal port As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer


Argument 1 is an unconnected socket.

Argument 2 is a host name or IP address.

Argument 3 is a port number.

Argument 4 is your ST101_WinSock.dll license. See the license section for more information.

Return value is zero, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function establishes a connection to a peer. It will timeout after a specified number of seconds.

See the note under Winsock Programming Tips about IP address resolution.


Declare Function ST101_ConnectTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal addr As String, ByVal port As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer


Argument 1 is an unconnected socket.

Argument 2 is a host name or IP address.

Argument 3 is a port number.

Argument 4 is your ST101_WinSock.dll license. See the license section for more information.

Return value is zero, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function determines if data is ready to be received by the specified socket.


Declare Function ST101_DataWaiting Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is the socket to check.

Return value is the number of characters waiting to be read.



This function returns the version of the ST101 DLL being used.


Declare Function ST101_GetDLLVersion Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As String


Return value is the version string of the DLL.



This function returns the standard host name for the local computer.


Declare Function ST101_GetHostName Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As String


Return value is the host name, or an empty string on error.



This function retrieves the host name for a given IP address.

See the note under Winsock Programming Tips about IP address resolution.


Declare Function ST101_GetHostNameFromIP Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal addr As String) As String


Argument is the IP address of the host in "" format.

Return value is the host name, or an empty string on error.



This function returns the IP address (in "" format) for a given host name (in "mycomputer.com" format).


Declare Function ST101_GetIPFromHostName Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal addr As String) As String


Argument 1 is the name of the host in "mycomputer.com" format.

Return value is the IP address, or an empty string on error.



This function prepares a socket to listen for incoming connections.


Declare Function ST101_Listen Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal backlog As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is a bound, unconnected socket.

Argument 2 is the backlog value.

Return value is zero, or INVALID_SOCKET on error.



This function receives data from a socket.

For binary data, use the Asc() function to remove bytes from the string of data received. For example ...

'binary_char and i are integers
iRet = ST101_Recv(iSocket, buf, buflen)
For i = 1 to iRet
binary_char = Asc(Mid(buf, i, 1))
'process the binary character
Next i


Declare Function ST101_Recv Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String) As Integer


Argument 1 is a connected socket.

Argument 2 is the buffer of data to that is received.

Argument 3 is the maximum number of characters that the buffer can hold.

Return value is the number of bytes received, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function receives data from a socket. It will time-out after a specified number of seconds.


Declare Function ST101_RecvTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal sec As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is a connected socket.

Argument 2 is the buffer of data to that is received.

Argument 3 is the maximum number of characters that the buffer can hold.

Argument 4 is the number of seconds to wait before timing-out.

Return value is the number of bytes received, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function sends data on a connected socket.

For binary data, use the Chr() function to create strings. For example ...

'Send 0x0008 as a string
ST101_Send(socket, Chr(0) + Chr(8), 2)


Declare Function ST101_Send Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is a connected socket.

Argument 2 is the buffer of data to be sent.

Argument 3 is the length of the buffer of data to be sent.

Argument 3 is new in version 1.1

Return value is the number of bytes sent, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function sends data on a connected socket. It will time-out after a specified number of seconds.

Use the Chr() function to create strings of binary data. For example, ST101_Send(socket, Chr(0) + Chr(8), 2).


Declare Function ST101_SendTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is a connected socket.

Argument 2 is the buffer of data to be sent.

Argument 3 is the length of the buffer of data to be sent.

Argument 3 is new in version 1.1

Argument 4 is the number of seconds to wait before timing-out.

Return value is the number of bytes sent, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function disables the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing.


Declare Function ST101_SetSockOpt_Tcp_NoDelay Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal opt As Integer) As Integer


Return value is zero, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function disables send or receive operations on a socket. It does not release any system resources used by the socket.


Declare Function ST101_Shutdown Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is a socket.

Return value is zero, or INVALID_SOCKET on error.



This function creates a socket.


Declare Function ST101_Socket Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal af As Integer, ByVal itype As Integer, ByVal protocol As Integer) As Integer


Argument 1 is the address family specification. This should be set to AF_INET.

Argument 2 is the type for the new socket. This should be set to SOCK_STREAM.

Argument 3 is the protocol for the new socket. This should be set to zero.

Return value is new socket, or INVALID_SOCKET on error.



This function terminates the use of Winsock.dll.


Declare Function ST101_WSACleanup Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As Integer


Return values is zero, or SOCKET_ERROR on error.



This function retrieves the error status for the last Windows Socket operation that failed.


Declare Function ST101_WSAGetLastError Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As Integer


Return value is the error number of the last WinSock operation that failed on this thread.



This function initializes a WSADATA structure.


Declare Function ST101_WSAStartup Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As Integer


Return value is zero, or non-zero on error.

Declarations for eVB

To make it easier to use ST101WinSock with eVB, all declarations and constants are included below. Copy and paste this information into an eVB module (*.bas file).

Public Const AF_INET = 2
Public Const AF_IRDA = 22
Public Const SOCK_STREAM = 1
Public Const SOCK_DGRAM = 2
Public Const INVALID_SOCKET = -1
Public Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1

Declare Function ST101_Accept Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_AcceptTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_Bind Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal port As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_CloseSocket Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_Connect Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal addr As String, ByVal port As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_ConnectTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal addr As String, ByVal port As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_DataWaiting Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_GetDLLVersion Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As String
Declare Function ST101_GetHostName Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As String
Declare Function ST101_GetHostNameFromIP Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal addr As String) As String
Declare Function ST101_GetIPFromHostName Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal addr As String) As String
Declare Function ST101_Listen Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal backlog As Integer, ByVal license As String) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_Recv Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_RecvTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_Send Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_SendTimeOut Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen As Integer, ByVal sec As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_SetSockOpt_Tcp_NoDelay Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer, ByVal opt As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_Shutdown Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal iSocket As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_Socket Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" (ByVal af As Integer, ByVal itype As Integer, ByVal protocol As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ST101_WSACleanup Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function ST101_WSAGetLastError Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function ST101_WSAStartup Lib "ST101WinSock.dll" () As Integer

Declarations for eVC++

The ST101WinSock DLL can be called from an eVC++ program. The include file information for this purpose is shown below.


#define DLLEXPORT _declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLEXPORT _declspec(dllimport)

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_WSAStartup (void);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_WSACleanup (void);
DLLEXPORT SOCKET _cdecl ST101_Socket (int af, int itype, int protocol);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Connect (SOCKET s, TCHAR *host_address, int port_number, TCHAR *szLicense);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_ConnectTimeOut (SOCKET s, TCHAR *host_address, int port_number, int timeOut, TCHAR *szLicense);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Bind (SOCKET s, int port_number);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Listen (SOCKET s, int backlog);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Accept (SOCKET s, TCHAR *szLicense);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_AcceptTimeOut (SOCKET s, int timeOut, TCHAR *szLicense);

DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Send (SOCKET s, TCHAR *buf, int buflen);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_SendTimeOut (SOCKET s, TCHAR *buf, int buflen, int timeOut);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Recv (SOCKET s, TCHAR *buf, int buflen);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_RecvTimeOut (SOCKET s, TCHAR *buf, int buflen, int timeOut);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_SetRecvTimeOut (SOCKET s, int timeOut);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_SetSendTimeOut (SOCKET s, int timeOut);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_CloseSocket (SOCKET s);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_Shutdown (SOCKET s);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_DataWaiting (SOCKET s);

DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_SetSockOpt_Tcp_NoDelay (SOCKET s, int val);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_SetSockOpt_Linger (SOCKET s, int val);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_SetSockOpt_DontLinger (SOCKET s);
DLLEXPORT int _cdecl ST101_WSAGetLastError (void);
DLLEXPORT void _cdecl ST101_WSASetLastError (int val);
DLLEXPORT TCHAR * _cdecl ST101_GetHostNameFromIP (TCHAR *host_address);
DLLEXPORT TCHAR * _cdecl ST101_GetIPFromHostName (TCHAR *host_address);
DLLEXPORT TCHAR * _cdecl ST101_GetHostName (void);
DLLEXPORT TCHAR * _cdecl ST101_GetDLLVersion(void);

void checkLicense(TCHAR *szLicense);
void displayLicense(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus

Installation Instructions


The software is compatible under Windows CE 3.0, and Pocket PC 2002 using the Palm-Sized PC, Handheld PC Pro, or Pocket PC. Select the correct DLL for your platform (MIPS, SH3, StrongArm, Emulator), and copy it to the \Windows directory on your Pocket PC.



License Adware
It's free, but it is supported by advertising.
Website http://www.softwaretraining101.com/
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Popularity 3090
Total Downloads  0
Submitted By torch
Submitted On 19 January 2023


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